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Be Ready to Receive & Appreciate the Gifts You Have Asked For (however they come packaged!)

Writer's picture: Lucy Joy KnightLucy Joy Knight

Updated: Oct 23, 2024

Imagine receiving a gift, and inside was everything you had asked for, but it was just not packaged the way you expected it to be, so you're not sure what is inside..

Would you refuse the gift? 

I'm sure quite a few of you have received those gifts from loved ones where they wrap it in layers, or inside a huge box to disguise what's inside, or put it inside something oddly shaped.  

What do you do when you unwrap the first layer? You keep looking right? And then you find the very thing you had asked for and you appreciate the hell out of it!  And I bet you actually appreciate it EVEN MORE with it not being so obvious from the beginning and having had to work a bit harder for it. (bless those who went to that much thought and trouble for you too!).

Well life does the very same thing when it delivers the gifts that we have asked for right to us.

Sometimes we ask for things, whether that be by asking God through prayer, asking the universe through manifestation and the laws of attraction, or perhaps you are not religious or spiritual so you just put it out there, you hope and desire for things.  Whichever way you ask, sometimes you ask for things and don't actually pay attention to whether what you have asked for has in fact made its way to you already. 

Perhaps the opportunity for that thing we want is right in front of us and we are just not seeing it, too distracted in our day to day, dwelling on the past or striving towards the next thing. 

I urge you, every once in a while, to stop what you are doing and just appreciate where you are at in this very moment.  Be grateful for what you have, where you are and what you are doing, but also look beyond the opportunities that are right in front of you? 

Hear me out..

We are so busy in our lives, trying to get by, going from one thing to the next, trying to succeed (however success looks to you), that sometimes the very things we have asked for could actually be playing out in real time right in front of us, and we are just not paying attention.  

Let me give you an example (the very reason I have chosen to write this blog!) 

A few years ago, I was enjoying myself and my single life after healing from a traumatic event in my life and was looking at travelling again.  I had myself set on going to South America as it's somewhere I've always wanted to go (I LOVE Latin music & dance!) but I wanted to travel everywhere & anywhere that I hadn't been yet so anywhere on my list would have been great!  I looked at how I could make this possible with the minimal money and small income I had. 


Not too long after that I met someone very unexpectedly. We both had the same goals in life with similar values and mindset and after some time we looked at travelling together.  He too had his eyes set on South America so this became the plan, however it just worked out that Southeast Asia was the better option for us both with regards to work opportunities and finances.

Was I upset that we were not going to South America? Honestly, no!  Everything about this move felt good and right, and I know in my gut that I would be seeing that part of the world at some point.  Plus, I had also not travelled Southeast Asia yet and it was on my list of places to go, so this was my opportunity, and this was obviously the right time for it!

See...I asked for travel - specifically South America but the travelling came packaged as Southeast Asia! Am I grateful? HELL YEAH!

So I moved to Vietnam which has blessed me with the opportunity to focus on growing an online business without the worry of huge bills and cost of living.  Knowing my life now, I do think this would have been a struggle in South America, so the Universe/God knew this was the better move for me and delivered. 

Then a couple of months ago I found myself thinking how much of an inconvenience and expense it was that I HAD to leave Vietnam every 3 months to renew my visa in order to continue living here…

I mean, REALLY?! 

When I stopped and really looked at my life, where I was, what I was doing and the opportunities I have at my fingertips AND remembered all that I had asked for (the freedom and ability to travel), I honestly told myself off! (A big slap on the wrist moment for Lucy!)

I HAVE BEEN GIVEN EXACTLY WHAT I HAD ASKED FOR! It was just packaged differently!

I then remembered something I had heard during a guided meditation that sometimes the things we ask for won't come in the exact package that we have asked for, sometimes what we ask for may not actually be what we need...sometimes what we ask for is delivered to us in a different way, a way that actually is better for us and packaged very different to our expectations.  

We have to be ready to receive what we have asked for, in whatever shape or form it comes.  If we don't, those opportunities will pass us by without us even noticing that they were ever there in the first place and we will lose faith (in life, God, or the Universe, however you want to look at it :))

Which is why it is SO important to just STOP once in a while, stop chasing, stop moving from one thing to the next, stop doing and just BE, take stock of where you are, what you are doing and what opportunities you have available to you, because you may realise in that very moment that what you have asked for is there staring you right in the face and you are not doing anything with it!

I realised that my opportunity to travel freely was there, every 3 months I GET TO EXPLORE A NEW COUNTRY! Countries that, from Turkey (my previous home of 6 years) would cost me a lot of money to travel to and from, right now they are just on my doorstep! I may not be able to explore South America just yet but the whole of South-east Asia is and is within my budget range.  SO I AM GOING TO TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF THIS BLESSING WHILST I CAN!

I no longer see having to leave the country every 3 months to renew my Visa as an inconvenience, I am and will make the most of the opportunity and excuse to travel. I had asked for it, It has been delivered and I am forever grateful.

When you see the world through the lens of opportunity and gratitude, everything changes! 

It's all a case of perspective peeps!

Now what opportunities are waiting for you?

Go get 'em and continue to be friggin' amazing!

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With Gratitude & Joy Always


*Photo taken in Bali - my view when I wrote this blog - an opportunity almost missed!

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